She Will Not Fail
“God is within her, she will not fail.” Psalm 46:5
Have you ever sat with yourself and asked, “what am I doing with myself?” “Where Do I want to end up at the end of this road? “What is life’s journey truly about?”
It is normal to sit with yourself and reflect on life. I have just turned 47 years old this past Saturday and I find myself pondering on many things. These questions seem to be a bit more constant, perhaps it is because in just 3 years I will be the BIG 50!! Thinking that and saying that out loud sounds preposterous! I was just 18 years old, living what I thought was my “best life.” I had no real worries or concerns. I was still living at home and at that time and it was all about hanging out with friends, having fun, doing what felt right to me. However, here I am at 47 thinking about what truly matters and is meaningful to me.
I am a high school dropout that came from a family that had many hidden, unspoken traumas. Our home environment truly has an impact on our lives whether for good or bad. Our environment is what shapes us during our most imperative years, our developmental years. Nurturing, love, comfort, words of affirmation, and affection have so much to do with the adults we become. If someone comes from a home where maybe there was no demonstration of love and affection nor words of affirmation, and constantly being criticized that individual may struggle with believing that they are doing the right thing. They may question if they are worthy of love or if they can give love since they never experienced it. Their emotional needs were not met and the people that they were supposed to trust, dropped the ball. They may face at times some level of confusion with not being able to distinguish what is the best choice for them because from a young age confidence was not developed. There was an emotional deficit.
I have recognized working as therapist that many people are hurting and need support. Many people are longing to be seen, heard, understood, and loved. So many people have ideas, however, taking the necessary steps towards the goals they may want to reach seem so farfetched. So how do we get to the destination we have in mind? I believe that faith, prayer, and therapy can be very helpful as one sets out to make modifications in one’s life. These 3 things are important tools to have. When we have faith in things unseen and simply start taking baby steps, we are in the process and it does not matter the length of time, the important part of it all is that we start out on the journey. If we don’t take the basic steps, then we will never get there. We must start somewhere. How does prayer help? Well, when we pray whether through a small whisper, whether quietly from our hearts and minds, or out loud with shouts and power, we must believe that our prayers are being heard. That our prayers are not in vain.
How does therapy help? Therapy should be a safe space where you are able to share what’s really happening behind the scenes and where a professional can help you overcome all the obstacles from past traumas and hurt that are still hindering you from becoming the best version of yourself.
I have found through having faith and praying fervently, that I have been able to attain the goals I have laid out before me. I am a 16-year-old high school dropout but that did not mean that I had to be what statistics say I should be. I come from a home where my mom lived off government assistance to feed my siblings and me. I did not come from a home where my parents were successful. My mom was a homemaker and my dad left when I was 7 years old. My father worked making jewelry in a company that had no benefits to offer. I come from struggle. And yet, God turned my life around. That did not mean that I did not put in any of the work. No, I had to bust my behind. There were many sleepless nights as a single mom who went to college at the age of 30 after having 3 children. However, I prayed for grace and kept my eyes on the price. I don’t have it all together, but I can tell you the struggle can be your battery on your back to motivate you or it can destroy you. You choose.
I do not know what you are going through in this season of your life, but I want to tell you and encourage you, that with God All Things Are Possible! With God in the center of your life, you Will NOT Fail!! I have had moments where it seemed it was taking longer than I would like to admit to get to a certain place in my life. There were many, many times I wanted to throw in the towel. There were times where I thought it would never happen. Days with lots of tears, where the negative thoughts overshadowed all the good, I had done. Moments where I did not believe in myself, and I even doubted God. However, I realized that as long as I stayed the course, as long as I continued on the journey even when I was exhausted, and simply felt I could not, those were the moments I paused and took some deep breaths and reevaluated my situation. However, I kept keeping on. In my weakest moments is where I felt the strongest. Not because of me, I am human, I have my share of doubts, but because that’s when I felt the closest to God. There are times when we don’t feel him, but if we sit still for a brief moment, you will feel him in the midst of the breeze, that small whisper you feel in your spirit nudging you to get up and do it over, urging you to try again, listen to that, that’s the Lord guiding you.
Today, I have questions for myself and that is okay. I am not quite sure of what this next season looks like for me, but one thing I know is that my faith and my prayers will lead me to where that destination is. Life’s journey truly is about finding your purpose. What do you feel your purpose is? Are you willing to take the steps to find out where you need to be? What do you believe you are called to do? Take some time for yourself today or this week and see what happens in your spirit as you do so. Perhaps, you can journal during that intimate time. My belief is that there is more for us, do you believe that for yourself? Are you willing to step out in faith?
“God is within her, she will not fail.” Psalm 46:5
Damari Pedroza